Ethnic Differences in Alzheimer's Disease Survival and Pathology 

   Lead Investigator:    Kala Mehta
   Institution      :    UC San Francisco
   E-Mail           :
   Proposal ID      :    374

Publications: 1 Mehta K, Kurland B , Barnes D, Yaffe K, Miller B, Perez-Stable EJ African American and Latino AD Patients have longer survival than white AD patients: data from the National Alzheimer's Coordinating Center datasets 2006 Abstract National Meeting of the Resource Center for Minority Aging Research ,
2 Mehta KM, Kurland B , Barnes D, Yaffe K, Perez-Stable E, Miller B African American and Latino Alzheimer's disease patient's have longer survival than white Alzheimer's disease patients: Data from the National Alzheimer's Coordinating Center datasets Abstract Neurology,66:A218,2006,
3 Mehta KM, Yaffe K, Perez-Stable EJ, Stewart A, Barnes D, Kurland BF , Miller BL Race/ethnic differences in AD survival in US Alzheimer's Disease Centers Journal Article Neurology,70:1163-1170,2008,PMC2830859
4 Ontaneda D, Mehta KM, Perez-Stable E Race/ethnic differences in AD survival in us Alzheimer's disease centers Journal Article Neurology,72:1620,2009,

Proposal Description: